Paul Gorman began his professional creative career in 1997 when he served as Artistic Director for specialty advertising boutique Interstate Specialties where he directed promotional campaigns for several high profile clients such as the
NY Yankees, Michael Jordan Cologne and Discovery Channel's "Shark Week".
A fierce proponant of self distribution, in 2005 he launched GMD Films, an independent film studio to produce, release and distribute his own films.
GMD Films has since released four feature films and multiple television and web series all produced or directed by Paul Gorman.
In addition to GMD Films Productions, Paul Gorman has Produced and Directed
several hit TV Series including "Reload Explode" now showing on The CW.

A Pioneer in Independent 3D Production
The 2011 release of "Blood of Ohma 3D" hailed Paul Gorman as a pioneer in
3D Production. The movie was filmed on a hand made camera rig, but caught the attention of Sony 3D World and Sony Creative Software who officialy endorsed
Gorman as a "Trend Setter" and regularly feature his 3D work in promotions.
Fans and critics alike responded, including Blu-Ray.com who raved
"Paul Gorman's sense of 3D is better than most of what's coming out of Hollywood these days."
Gorman continues to film in 3D including his most recent TV Series "WISP".